How Big is Japan?

Japan is an island nation in East Asia and one of the most densely populated countries in the world. It is located between China, North Korea and Russia, with a total area of 377,944 square kilometers (145,925 square miles). Japan is made up of four main islands: Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku.

Its capital city Tokyo has a population of over 13 million people. This makes it one of the largest cities in the world by population size. Additionally, Japan’s land mass includes thousands more smaller islands as well as numerous volcanic regions around its coastline.

The country’s overall size is characterized not only by its physical geography but also through its cultural landscape which has been shaped by centuries of immigration wave after wave from both within and outside Japan’s borders that have all contributed to its unique identity today. In addition to this diverse background contributing to the nation’s rich culture there are many natural wonders found across these lands ranging from snow-capped peaks to lush green forests making for breathtaking scenery year round no matter where you visit on Japan’s mainland or surrounding islands alike!

Japan – How Big is Japan 🇯🇵 Actually?

Japan is an archipelago of 6,852 islands located in the Pacific Ocean off the eastern coast of China. It has a total area of 377,944 square kilometers (145, 898 square miles), making it slightly smaller than California and slightly larger than Germany. The four main islands are Hokkaido, Honshu (where Tokyo is located), Shikoku and Kyushu.

This small country packs quite a punch when it comes to population size: As of April 2020, Japan had a population estimated at 126 million people – that’s more than double the population of Canada! In fact, it is one of the world’s most densely populated countries with over 340 people per square kilometer. This high concentration has led to overcrowding issues in some areas like Tokyo where there are nearly 14 million people living within just 2200 km2!

Despite its relatively small size compared to other countries around the world, Japan still manages to rank 11th in terms of GDP worldwide due largely in part to its highly developed economy & strong exports including cars & electronics. This impressive economic performance combined with their cultural heritage & attractions have made this island nation one destination that should not be missed by any traveler looking for something new and exciting!

How Big is Japan?


Is Japan a Large Or Small Country?

Japan is an island nation located in East Asia, and it is considered to be one of the largest countries in the world. In terms of land area, Japan ranks just below Russia and above China as the 60th largest country on earth. Its total land area measures nearly 145,820 square miles (377,915 sq km).

This makes Japan slightly smaller than California but larger than Germany or Sweden. When considering population size, however, Japan stands out as a much more densely populated country. As of 2020 estimates, its population is estimated at 126 million people – making it the 10th most populous nation in the world.

That number puts its population density at 874 persons per square mile (337/sq km), which ranks among some of the highest anywhere on earth – second only to Monaco (#1) and Singapore (#2). In addition to being large geographically and densely populated with people, Japan boasts a vast network of roadways connecting all corners of its many islands together via highways and bridges that span hundreds of miles across waterways like Tokyo Bay or between mainland Honshu Island into Shikoku Island. The archipelago also benefits from countless railroads crossing through cities both big and small for efficient public transportation options throughout metropolitan areas like Tokyo-Yokohama or Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto Megalopolis region.

How Big is Japan Compared to United States?

When it comes to comparing the size of Japan and the United States, one might be surprised to learn that they are not as dramatically different in size as many would think. Although the US is larger than Japan in terms of land area, with 3.79 million square miles compared to Japan’s 145,883 square miles respectively, their population sizes differ greatly. The United States has a total population of 327 million people while Japan only has 126 million people living within its borders.

This means that even though the US is much bigger geographically speaking; when it comes to population density, Japan actually edges out America with 870 people per square mile versus 87 people per square mile for the US. Japan also covers more oceanic territory than does America due mainly in part because of its numerous island groups throughout its waters such as Okinawa and Hokkaido Island among others; giving it an edge over America when considering total area coverage between both countries combined (land plus water). In conclusion, although geographically speaking America may have a slight edge over Japan in terms of overall landmass, when taking into consideration all other factors such as population density and oceanic territory coverage; one could say that overall both countries are relatively similar sizes.

Is Japan Or Florida Bigger?

If you’re trying to decide between Japan and Florida for a vacation destination, one of the things you might consider is size. But which of these two land masses is bigger? It’s not an easy question to answer since both countries have their own unique features that can make them seem larger or smaller than they actually are.

Let’s take a look at how each country measures up in terms of area so that you can make an informed decision about your travel plans. Japan is located in East Asia and has a total land area of 377,915 square kilometers (145,903 sq mi). This makes it slightly larger than California but still considerably smaller than the United States as a whole.

The majority of this landmass comprises four main islands – Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku – with many other small islands making up the rest. The population density within Japan is quite high; with over 130 million people living on just 0.3% of Earth’s total surface area! Florida by contrast is much bigger geographically speaking; it covers 170,312 square miles (439,633 sq km).

Most of this vast expanse consists of mainland USA along with hundreds upon hundreds more small coastal islands situated around its perimeter. Its population meanwhile stands at 21 million people which gives it about 34 times less inhabitants per mile compared to Japan!

How Big is the Whole of Japan?

Japan is an archipelago, or a group of islands located in East Asia. It covers a total area of 377,873 square kilometers (145,882 square miles). This makes Japan the 62nd largest country in the world by total land area.

The main islands of Japan are Honshu, Hokkaido and Kyushu. The four smaller island groups include Shikoku and Okinawa along with over 6,000 smaller islands included in the Ryukyu Island Chain stretching from Kyushu to Taiwan. Hokkaido is Japan’s northernmost and second largest island covering 83,453 square kilometers (32,281 square miles).

Honshu is the largest island with an area of 227,898 square kilometers (87,992 square miles) which accounts for about 60% of Japan’s total land mass. On this large island you will find Tokyo as well as other major cities such as Osaka and Kyoto .Kyushu lies southward from Honshu just above Kyushu Island at 14 percent making it the third-largest Japanese Island at 36 805 km²(14 275 sq mi).

Shikoku makes up 10 percent while Okinawa brings up 4 percent which combined make up 24% or 91 040 km2(35 187 sq mi) combined together making them almost half the size or slightly less than hokkaido alone..


If you’re curious about the size of Japan, then you’ve come to the right place! Japan is a large country located in East Asia that consists of 6,852 islands. It has four main islands—Hokkaido, Honshu (the largest and most populous), Shikoku, and Kyushu—and covers an area of 377,944 square kilometers.

That’s about the same size as California or Germany! Japan also has nearly 200 smaller islands nearby which are home to many people who live off-shore fishing or other types of work related to the sea. Japan is known for its densely populated cities like Tokyo and Osaka; however rural areas make up much of its landscape too.

The northernmost island Hokkaido is covered with mountains and forests while southernmost Kyushu has tropical beaches along its coastlines. Although it’s a relatively small country on land compared to others around it such as China and Russia, it makes up for this by having some of the world’s busiest ports in Yokohama near Tokyo Bay which allows trading opportunities with countries all over the globe. So there you have it!

Japan may be small but don’t let that fool you – there’s plenty packed into this amazing country so why not take time out to explore?

Izumi Kenta

Hi, I’m Izumi Kenta from Japan. By profession, I worked as a tourist guide and interpreter in Japan. Besides this profession, I’m a hobbyist blogger. I love to talk about different things about Japan and share them with a wider audience who wants to know about my country. To share my thoughts, I’ve created this site Visitjapan and brought some Japanese travel enthusiasts and tourists worldwide to share their experiences.

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