How Many Hot Springs Are in Japan?

Japan is a country that is well known for its hot springs. Hot springs, or onsen as they are referred to in Japan, have been an integral part of Japanese culture and tradition since ancient times. Believed to have healing properties due to their high mineral content, these natural hot springs can be found throughout the country both in remote rural areas and bustling cities alike.

So just how many hot springs are there in Japan? Well, depending on what you count as a “hot spring” the number can vary greatly! Generally speaking though it is estimated that around 3,000 natural hot spring sources exist across all of Japan’s prefectures and islands combined with over 20,000 man-made ones installed at various hotels and private facilities.

On top of this there are also several hundred other locations where visitors can go to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of naturally occurring ground water heated by nearby volcanoes or magma chambers beneath the surface.

Japanese Hot Spring Health Benefits | Onsen Story ★ ONLY in JAPAN

When looking for a place to relax, Japan is one of the best places to visit. Home to some of the world’s most beautiful scenery and culture, this country also has many hot springs that are sure to leave you feeling rejuvenated. But how many hot springs are there in total?

The answer depends on your definition of what makes up a “hot spring”. In Japan, there are over 3200 sources of hot water created by geothermal activity below the earth’s surface – these naturally heated pools contain minerals like silica which give them their unique healing properties. However, if we define a “hot spring” as an establishment with baths and other amenities where people can soak and relax, then the number drops significantly; only about 1300 such establishments exist throughout all of Japan today!

These public bathhouses come in various shapes and sizes depending on location; from small family-run businesses located in remote mountain villages to large resorts with multiple pools catering for thousands at once. The waters vary too – some have high concentrations of sodium chloride while others have alkaline properties due to volcanic activities beneath the ground or nearby rivers containing minerals like sulfuric acid or carbon dioxide. Many claim they offer health benefits including improved circulation, reduced stress levels and even relief from chronic pain conditions such as arthritis or fibromyalgia!


If you’re looking for an incredible spa experience, then look no further than onsen—the traditional Japanese hot spring bath. Onsen are a unique and deeply-rooted tradition in Japan, one that is centuries old and beloved by locals and tourists alike. Here we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to the history of onsen, what makes them special, how to find the best ones near you, as well as some tips for enjoying your time there!

So let’s dive into it: What exactly is an onsen? An onsen (or “hot springs”) are naturally occurring hot baths found throughout Japan. They vary in temperature from very warm (around 37°C/100°F) to boiling hot (upwards of 40°C/104°F).

The water is usually rich in minerals like sulfur or sodium chloride that have healing properties which can be beneficial for skin conditions and muscle soreness. Onsens date back centuries ago when they first emerged as places of communal bathing among feudal lords. During this period their popularity grew amongst samurai warriors who believed in their healing powers–a belief still held today!

Since then they’ve become popular tourist attractions around the country because of their luxurious atmosphere and therapeutic waters.

Japan Hot Springs

If you’re looking for the ultimate relaxation experience, look no further than the hot springs of Japan. For centuries, people have been indulging in these magical waters to soak away stress and heal their bodies. From traditional wooden bathhouses to modern resorts with multiple amenities, you can find a hot spring that is perfect for your needs.

Japan is home to over 3,000 natural hot springs known as “onsen” which range from simple outdoor pools filled with piping-hot mineralized water to luxurious indoor facilities equipped with saunas and massage services. The majority of onsens are located in rural areas around the country but there are plenty of options available in cities too! The benefits of taking a dip in an onsen are many – they can help improve circulation and reduce fatigue while also offering relief from various physical ailments like muscle pain or joint stiffness due to arthritis.

Onsens are said to be especially beneficial for skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis as well due to the high mineral content found in many Japanese hot springs. Plus, there’s nothing quite like soaking away all your worries under the stars! When visiting an onsen it is important that visitors adhere to certain etiquette guidelines – most notably bathing nude (separately by gender).

This means it is not recommended for families or groups travelling together if everyone isn’t comfortable being naked together.

Kusatsu Onsen

Kusatsu Onsen is one of Japan’s most famous hot springs located in Gunma Prefecture. It has been a popular destination for centuries, with people coming from all over the world to experience its healing waters. The town is filled with traditional Japanese architecture and ryokans (Japanese inns).

With its wide range of natural attractions, Kusatsu Onsen offers something for everyone. The main attraction at Kusatsu Onsen is the thermal spring water itself, which is known as “Yubatake” or “hot water field”. This hot spring water contains minerals such as sodium bicarbonate and sulfur that are said to be beneficial for various health conditions including skin diseases, muscle pain and even digestive issues.

In addition to soaking in the warm mineral-rich waters, visitors can also enjoy therapeutic steam baths called “onsenkaku” that use the same hot spring water heated up further. In addition to soaking in the onsen’s therapeutic waters, there are several other activities available near Kusatsu Onsen too. For those who are looking for more active pursuits during their visit there are plenty of hiking trails around Mt Shirane where you can explore nature directly or take part in some winter sports activities like skiing and snowboarding if visiting during winter months.

There are also various shrines and temples dotted throughout town which make great places to sightsee while getting an education on local culture and history too!

Onsen Japan

Traveling to Japan always brings up images of Mt. Fuji, cherry blossoms and many other iconic symbols. But one thing that often comes to mind is the traditional Japanese Onsen experience! An Onsen is a hot spring bath house where travelers can relax in naturally heated mineral water which has been credited with numerous health benefits over hundreds of years.

It’s a great way to get away from it all and soak in some culture while enjoying the thermal benefits! Onsen are scattered throughout Japan and offer different experiences depending on their location. Some may have indoor or outdoor pools while others offer multi-level bathing areas with sauna rooms, massage chairs, restaurants and more.

All follow strict customs such as washing before entering the pool area, no swimming allowed (just soaking) and wearing yukata robes provided by the facility upon entry. While there are separate men’s and women’s facilities at most places, coed options exist too for those traveling as couples or groups who want to share this unique cultural experience together! The natural minerals found in each hot spring vary depending on its origin but generally contain beneficial properties like calcium, sodium chloride and iron oxide – among others – which help improve skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis due to their antibacterial qualities when absorbed through the body’s pores during immersion into these waters.

Japan Hot Springs near Tokyo

As one of the world’s most densely populated cities, Tokyo can be a bit overwhelming and hectic. But if you’re looking for an escape without having to go too far away, Japan has plenty of hot springs located just outside the city that provide some much-needed respite from the hustle and bustle. The Japanese have long revered onsen (hot springs) as places of healing and relaxation, so it’s no surprise that there are numerous hot spring resorts available near Tokyo.

Most offer traditional inns with private baths where guests can soak in natural hot spring waters while enjoying stunning views of nature surroundings. These tranquil retreats are perfect for those looking for a chance to unwind after sightseeing around Tokyo or visiting nearby attractions like Mount Fuji or Hakone National Park. One popular spot is Oedo Onsen Monogatari in Odaiba, which offers an authentic onsen experience but also features modern amenities such as game centers, restaurants and shops.

There are several other indoor hotspring theme parks located around Tokyo including Spa LaQua in Kōrakuen, Asakusa Super Sento Aizenkashi Onsen in Sumida Ward and Hot Spring Town Yomiuriland in Inagi City – all offering different types of activities alongside their relaxing baths!

How Many Hot Springs Are in Japan?


Are There Hot Springs in Japan?

Yes, there are hot springs in Japan! Hot springs have been an important part of Japanese culture for centuries. They are known as onsen and can be found all over the country.

Onsen are natural hot springs that contain high levels of minerals such as sulfur and sodium chloride, which give them their distinct color and scent. These minerals provide a range of health benefits including relief from muscle tension, joint pain, skin conditions like psoriasis, and even stress relief. Onsen come in many varieties depending on their location.

Some are located indoors at resorts or hotels while others can be found outdoors near mountains or riverside areas. In addition to soaking in the therapeutic waters of an onsen bathtub, visitors often take advantage of outdoor activities such as hiking trails nearby or exploring nearby attractions like shrines and temples. There’s something special about visiting an onsen — it’s not just about physical relaxation but also a spiritual experience that brings people closer to nature while strengthening bonds between friends or family members who go together to enjoy this unique activity.

Depending on where you travel in Japan you may find different types of traditional baths ranging from wooden tubs filled with steamy spring water to stone pools heated by volcanic activity below ground level.

Which Country Has Highest Hot Springs?

When it comes to hot springs, there’s no doubt that some countries have more than others. In fact, the country with the highest number of hot springs is Japan. This is due to the island nation’s geothermal activity and its abundance of volcanoes.

Japan has been known for its hot springs since ancient times and they are an essential part of Japanese culture today. It is estimated that there are around 3,000 onsen (hot spring) baths across Japan. These thermal baths can be found in all sorts of locations – from remote mountain villages to major cities like Tokyo and Kyoto.

The most famous hot spring resort in Japan can be found in Beppu on Kyushu Island, where you will find eight different types of natural onsen: sand bath, mud bath, steam bath and so on. The city itself has over 2200 sources of mineral-rich water that make up one big spa town! Atami Onsen located near Mt Fuji is another well-known destination for those looking for a relaxing dip in a natural hot spring pool surrounded by beautiful scenery– perfect after a day out hiking or visiting nearby attractions such as Hakone National Park or Lake Ashi cruise boat tour .  

What City in Japan Has the Most Hot Springs?

Japan is a land of hot springs, otherwise known as onsen. From the snow-covered mountains of Hokkaido to the lush forests of Kyushu, there are over 3,000 onsen in Japan – and each one offers a unique experience. But which city has the most hot springs?

The answer may surprise you: Beppu City in Oita Prefecture! Beppu City is located on the Southern island of Kyushu and boasts more than 2,800 hot spring sources. That’s right – almost three thousand!

With such an abundance of natural thermal baths, it’s no wonder that Beppu City is considered “the Onsen Capital of Japan.” It even has its own Hot Spring Festival every year to celebrate this plentiful resource. The sheer variety found within Beppu also makes it quite special compared to other cities with hot springs around Japan.

There are eight distinct types or categories including mud and sand bath varieties as well as steamy outdoor spas which can be enjoyed all year round – making for plenty of choices when looking for your next soak. Many visitors come specifically seeking out particular styles too – such as those interested in trying out sulfuric acid baths or “Hells” (Jigokudani) which feature bubbling red water from deep underground heated by volcanic activity below ground level.

What Japanese Island Has Many Hot Springs?

Japan is well known for its hot springs, or onsen. There are many islands with natural hot spring sources that attract visitors from all over the world. One of the most popular destinations is Kyushu Island in southwestern Japan, which features some of the best hot springs in the country.

Kyushu Island has more than 2,000 onsen scattered around its coastline and mountainous interior regions. The island’s volcanic activity provides a rich source of thermal waters that fill these warm baths. Many resorts have been built to accommodate visitors looking to soak in these healing waters and enjoy their therapeutic effects.

Some popular spots include Beppu City’s eight different “hells” (onsen areas) as well as Yufuin Onsen Town near Mt Aso volcano, both located on Kyushu Island’s east coast. The onsen range from simple public bathhouses to luxurious resort spas offering a variety of treatments like massages and body scrubs using traditional Japanese ingredients such as green tea powder and sesame oil. Some resorts also offer outdoor bathing pools filled with naturally heated water surrounded by lush greenery or breathtaking views of nearby mountains or ocean vistas — perfect for soaking up nature along with your soothing soak!


Japan is home to thousands of naturally occurring hot springs, or onsen. These thermal baths are spread all over the country and can be found in both urban areas as well as rural towns. Onsen are believed to have healing properties due to their high mineral content, making them popular among locals and tourists alike.

Depending on where you stay in Japan, you may find yourself just a stone’s throw away from an onsen soaking spot! In total there are approximately 3,000 hot springs scattered throughout Japan – so no matter where your travels take you, chances are that you won’t be too far from one of these natural wonders!

Izumi Kenta

Hi, I’m Izumi Kenta from Japan. By profession, I worked as a tourist guide and interpreter in Japan. Besides this profession, I’m a hobbyist blogger. I love to talk about different things about Japan and share them with a wider audience who wants to know about my country. To share my thoughts, I’ve created this site Visitjapan and brought some Japanese travel enthusiasts and tourists worldwide to share their experiences.

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