How to Become an English Teacher in Japan?

Teaching English in Japan is one of the most rewarding and financially secure career paths for those interested in teaching abroad. Japan has a long history of welcoming foreign teachers and offers unique opportunities to gain experience in an unfamiliar culture, as well as enjoy the benefits of living and working overseas. In order to become an English teacher in Japan, there are several requirements that must be met, including obtaining certifications or qualifications related to teaching English as a second language (ESL), having native-level fluency in the language, and meeting certain visa requirements.

Additionally, prospective teachers should research what type of job they would like to pursue while teaching English in Japan – including part-time jobs or full-time positions at international schools – so they can best prepare themselves for success during their stay abroad.

  • Get Your Teaching Credentials: In order to become an English teacher in Japan, you must have a teaching certificate or diploma from your home country
  • You will also need to have at least 2 years of experience as an English teacher, preferably in the same school system and/or with the same students that you plan on teaching in Japan
  • Depending on which type of job you are looking for, it may be beneficial to pursue additional qualifications such as TEFL certification or other specialized language training courses
  • Research Potential Employers: Since most English teachers work through private organizations rather than directly for Japanese schools, researching potential employers is key when considering becoming an English teacher in Japan
  • Many websites offer listings of available positions with information about each organization’s requirements and salaries so that applicants can make informed decisions before applying for a position
  • Additionally, research into cultural norms and expectations related to working as a foreign teacher is important if one wishes to gain insight into what their future job may entail while living abroad in Japan
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  • Apply For A Position : Once you have gathered all necessary credentials and done your research into potential employers, it’s time to start sending out applications! Be sure to tailor your resume and cover letter specifically towards the position that interests you most since this will increase your chances of being selected for an interview or offered the role itself over other candidates who may not take this extra step during their application process
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How to Become an English Teacher in Japan?


How Much Does an English Teacher in Japan Make?

If you’re considering teaching English in Japan, you may be wondering how much money you can make. The answer is: it depends. An English teacher in Japan can earn anywhere from ¥200,000 to over ¥1 million a year depending on their experience and qualifications.

Let’s start by looking at the salaries of entry-level teachers without any prior experience teaching English in Japan. Most schools offer an hourly rate of around ¥2,000 for assistant language teachers (ALTs), which comes out to about ¥3.6 million per year if you work full time (40 hours/week). Of course this amount can vary depending on your employer and location; some areas pay more than others due to higher living costs or demand for teachers.

If you have several years of experience teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) or other related fields such as classroom management and curriculum design, then your salary will likely be much higher than that of an entry-level ALT teacher. Experienced TEFL teachers usually earn between ¥240,000 -¥400,000 monthly ($2120 – $3520 USD). This comes out to around 4 –7 million yen per year ($36k-$63k USD).

Private academies also tend to pay higher wages compared with public elementary and junior high schools because they are often located in affluent areas where competition for qualified instructors is stiffer so they must offer competitive salaries to attract talent.

Can Foreigners Become Teachers in Japan?

If you’re an aspiring teacher looking to take your career abroad, Japan may be the perfect place for you. Teaching in Japan is a great way to experience another culture while also making a difference by imparting knowledge and skills onto others. But if you’re a foreigner wondering whether or not it’s possible to become a teacher in Japan, the answer is yes!

In order to become a legal foreign teacher in Japan, there are certain qualifications which must be met. Firstly, applicants must have native-level fluency in Japanese – this means that even though English teaching positions exist, those positions require applicants who can speak both languages proficiently. Secondly, all teachers are required to possess valid working visas from their country of origin and these visas must have been issued within the last three years prior to applying for employment as a foreign educator in Japan.

In addition to having the above qualifications, most employers will typically look for applicants with at least four years of university education and/or work experience related directly or indirectly with teaching. Depending on where one applies and what kind of job they seek (such as government school jobs versus private sector ones), specific credentials may vary so it’s best practice to research thoroughly into each potential employer’s requirements before submitting applications accordingly.

Is It Hard to Get an English Teaching Job in Japan?

These days, English teaching jobs are increasingly popular in Japan. With its large population of non-native English speakers and growing demand for the language, many people are looking to teach English in Japan. But with so much competition out there, is it really hard to get an English teaching job in Japan?

The truth is that it can be difficult to find a good job if you’re not prepared. There are several factors that will influence your ability to land a job as an English teacher in Japan, including experience level and qualifications. The country has strict requirements when hiring foreign teachers; most employers require at least some prior teaching experience or relevant certification such as TEFL or TESOL.

Many also prefer candidates with degrees from prestigious universities and/or advanced language skills (particularly Japanese). Having connections within the industry can also be beneficial since networking often leads to better opportunities than those found through online postings alone. Finding a position may take longer than expected due to the competitive nature of the field, but having patience and persistence will pay off eventually!

To increase your chances of finding employment, start by researching companies online – they should have detailed information about their requirements on their website or recruitment page. You could also reach out directly via email or social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter; making personal connections can give you insight into potential openings before they become available publicly! Additionally, attending seminars or events related to teaching overseas can open up new opportunities too – use these resources wisely!

Can You Be an English Teacher in Japan Without a Degree?

In recent years, Japan has become a popular destination for English teachers due to its advanced education system and the high demand for English-speaking professionals. However, many people are unsure if they can teach in Japan without having a degree. The answer is yes – you can be an English teacher in Japan without a degree.

Although most schools and language institutions require candidates to have at least a bachelor’s degree, there are still plenty of opportunities available for those with no formal qualifications. For example, some private tutoring companies will hire native speakers from any background as long as they have good communication skills and knowledge of the language. Additionally, many companies offer short-term contracts or part-time positions so it may be possible to work around other commitments such as study or family life.

It should also be noted that although having a degree is not necessary to get hired for teaching jobs in Japan, it does help when applying for more competitive roles such as those offering higher salaries and better benefits packages. Furthermore, having a qualification demonstrates dedication which employers appreciate when considering applicants who don’t possess the same level of experience or qualifications as others do. Therefore it might be worth considering enrolling onto an online course before making your application if you want your CV to stand out from the crowd!

BECOME AN ENGLISH TEACHER (ALT) IN JAPAN | Complete Requirements | My Journey

How to Become an English Teacher in Japan Without a Degree

If you’re looking to work abroad as an English teacher in Japan, you may be wondering if it’s possible to do so without a degree. The answer is yes! Although a university degree or teaching certification would certainly help, there are still ways for individuals without either of these qualifications to become English teachers in Japan.

One way is by obtaining the Working Holiday Visa (WHV) and taking on a job that doesn’t require any specific qualifications. This type of visa allows people aged 18-30 from certain countries to stay and work in Japan for up to one year. Many language schools will accept applications from WHV holders with no prior teaching experience or qualifications; however, some employers may prefer candidates with at least one year of teaching experience and/or TEFL/TESOL certification.

Another option is getting hired by an independent employer who does not necessarily require any formal credentials beyond native-level fluency in English and Japanese proficiency (speaking, reading and writing). Jobs like this can be found through online job search sites such as GaijinPot or advertising outlets such as Craigslist Tokyo. These jobs usually entail private tutoring sessions which often pay higher than the average language school salary due to lack of overhead costs (e.g., rent).

However, they provide less structure than language schools since everything needs to be arranged between the two parties beforehand (i.e., scheduling lessons, setting payment terms).

English Teacher in Japan Salary

As an English teacher in Japan, you will have the unique opportunity to combine your love of teaching with a chance to explore the culture and history of one of the world’s oldest countries. But what is the salary like for those who work as an English teacher in this country? The salary for English teachers in Japan varies greatly depending on several factors such as experience, qualifications, location and type of school.

Generally speaking, salaries range from ¥180,000 to ¥300,000 per month – or around $1,800-$3,000 USD per month. This means that while it isn’t necessarily a high-paying job compared to other careers available in developed countries like North America or Europe; it can still provide enough income for comfortable living expenses if managed well. In terms of qualification requirements; most schools prefer applicants who hold at least a bachelor’s degree (in any subject) and/or TEFL certification.

While some employers may accept candidates without either requirement; having these two credentials gives you more leverage when negotiating higher wages or finding better jobs elsewhere. Location also plays an important role in determining how much you make as an English teacher in Japan since certain areas tend to be more competitive than others due to their high concentration of foreign residents and/or language learners (e.g., Tokyo). In general though; salaries remain quite consistent across all regions so there shouldn’t be much discrepancy no matter where you teach!

Teaching English in Japan Without a Degree 2022

When it comes to teaching English in Japan, having a degree is not always required. In fact, there are many opportunities for those without a college degree to teach English in Japan and make a great living. The first thing you should know about teaching English in Japan without a degree is that visas can be obtained with an alternative qualification known as “TEFL” or “Teaching English as Foreign Language” certification.

This certification is designed specifically for individuals who wish to teach abroad and do not have the educational requirements necessary for higher-level visa considerations. With this type of qualification, potential employers will be more likely to consider your candidacy when searching for teachers with no prior experience or formal qualifications. Another option available to non-degree holders looking to teach English in Japan is the Working Holiday Visa (WHV).

This type of visa allows applicants from certain countries such as Australia and Canada, among others, to stay in the country for up to 12 months while working part-time jobs related directly or indirectly with their field of expertise – including teaching! If you want more information on how this works exactly check out our blog post about WHVs here: [INSERT LINK]. Of course, having some sort of previous teaching experience could also help greatly when applying for positions at language schools throughout the country.

Whether it is volunteer work at home or paid/unpaid internships abroad – any kind of relevant experience can only increase your chances of getting hired!

Teaching Jobs in Japan for Non-Native English Speakers

If you’re looking for an exciting and unique teaching opportunity, then consider a job teaching English in Japan. While native English speakers are preferred by many employers, there are also numerous opportunities for non-native English speakers to teach in this beautiful country. In order to teach English in Japan as a non-native speaker, there are certain requirements that must be met.

First of all, it’s important to have proficiency in the language and be able to communicate effectively with students. It is possible to get teaching jobs even if your level of fluency isn’t perfect but you should still strive to improve your skills before applying for any positions. Additionally, most employers prefer candidates who have completed either TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) or TESOL (Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages) training courses which provide valuable insight into how best to structure lessons and engage with students.

Once these criteria have been met, finding a job shouldn’t be too difficult since there is always high demand for teachers throughout Japan—especially those who can help Japanese students prepare for their college entrance exams or take part in international competitions such as TOEFL/IELTS . Most jobs will involve working at private language academies known as ‘eikaiwas’ where instructors typically hold classes during afternoons and evenings on weekdays or weekends depending on the employer’s needs.


Hey there! Are you interested in becoming an English teacher in Japan? If so, then you’ve come to the right place.

Teaching English in Japan is a great way to experience Japanese culture while also getting paid for it. In this blog post, we will discuss the process of becoming an English teacher in Japan – from obtaining a work visa to finding jobs and more. To begin with, if you want to teach English in Japan as a professional, then the first step is obtaining a valid working visa.

To do this, you will need proof of qualifications like TEFL or TESOL certificates which demonstrate your expertise and knowledge of teaching English as a foreign language. Additionally, some employers may require background checks or other documents for your visa application – so make sure you are prepared before applying for jobs. Once your visa application has been approved and accepted by the Japanese government authorities, then it’s time to start looking for teaching opportunities in Japan.

There are several different types of schools where one can find work such as public schools (elementary/secondary), private language academies (eikaiwa schools) or universities/colleges that offer courses on teaching English as a foreign language. It’s important to note that each type of school requires its own set of qualifications depending on their requirements – so make sure you know what they look for when applying!

Izumi Kenta

Hi, I’m Izumi Kenta from Japan. By profession, I worked as a tourist guide and interpreter in Japan. Besides this profession, I’m a hobbyist blogger. I love to talk about different things about Japan and share them with a wider audience who wants to know about my country. To share my thoughts, I’ve created this site Visitjapan and brought some Japanese travel enthusiasts and tourists worldwide to share their experiences.

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